Maysoun Mustafa – Be open to experiences

“Be open to experiences, be open to meeting new people and, it might seem creepy at times, but just smile. Smile at strangers, smile at whoever…because you never know how a simple smile can affect someone in whatever they’re going through with their day or life…”

In this episode, Maysoun Mustafa, researcher and plant biologist, talks about her work and experiences living in Malaysia. She oversees the professional and academic development of postgraduate students in a Doctoral Training Partnership between Crops For the Future (CFF) and the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.!93393

Stuff we talked about

2.36: Choosing a career path

3.00: Why you should care about food security

5.59: What’s Crops for the Future? Hint: It’s not about a war on rice.

12.00: Teff in Ethiopia–the replacement for quinoa?

13.00: Enough about work. What happens when you’re not working?


The Other Expats podcast is produced by Rewordink Studios. The sound design is by Big Mean Sound Machine, and the intro was created by the Small Room Production. You can and should subscribe to the Other Expats podcast on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play MusicOvercastPocket Casts and Anchor, and sign up for our monthly newsletters You can also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Send us an email via hello @

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